Ng Han Yew

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Think it, Do it and Determine it....

Just have some food for thought after spent sometime reading my pillow book. Well, it just really motivated and inspired me about the way to live our precious life. It is about how a typical person always thought of his success will achieve when the opportunity and timing are come to him. Actually there's nothing will come to you if keep yourself without putting any effort (aKa Dreaming). Those people have this kind of thoughts are living their life in denial.
Opportunity comes when a strong effort and determination toward your ultimate goal. Opportunity won't comes to you if you thinking of procrastination .( "It's not the time yet and  i will do it when the time comes").Chase it and grab it instead of waiting it comes to you.The best timing is when you think of it and do it and not to think it and wait for it. "Don't wait for opportunity and go for opportunity".

Think it, do it and determine it....>>>OPPORTUNITY>>>...Excel ,goal and achievement...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It's been along time never update my blog and now just wanna simply write something over here to show that i'm still active in this blogspot website.Currently having my internship in college and had a lot of  fun over there. Although internship in college is kinda boring and keep doing those simply job like counting tickets, dispatching and etc. Once a time i was so envy all my friends that can get their intern at those company they've applied and just left out me the only one who needs to stay in college.I always think that outside there must be much more interesting than where am i belong now. So the way to motivate myself  to not envy too much my friends and stay positive in this little job or environment i try to create a lot of funny stuffs and happiness among all of my friends during this interns.We were just so enjoy the moments that we've spent and to make it be the most precious and great memory of  my interns.

Besides my internship stuff, The thing that i will never left out is my  "WOLFIES" where i always share and express myself with them. I do always believe every single friend will play an important role to me. What i want to say to all my Wolfie's is that actually we can stay until now just because of our willingness and trust among all of us. Although during this internship time we seldom meet but we do contact each other through the virtual world.So we must enjoy our time especially college life because it just left 1 more year to go only and appreciate what we are now. It seems like will have a lot of activities for the coming semester and really can't wait for it because this coming semester i will be totally free OF WORKING LIFE...CHEERS....WOLFIES GOGOGOGOGO!!!!

By last, there's some unfortunate incident happen to me was that i twisted my right ankle quite serious....ARRRR.....My right leg is my most powerful asset.Praying hard for recovery now!!!